"Friends Come in all Ages & Places"Occupational Therapy is a health profession that deals with therapeutic management of various bodily dysfunctions and mental disorders both mental health and mental retradation. The aim through this health giving process is to normalise and regain the lost functions of any individual who suffers through any disorders listed above. The basis of the this process of Treatment is on scientific basis and principles.
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EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM OFFERED BY IPH To learn the skills of Occupational Therapy it is essential to acquire knowledge and application of the medical health sciences and clinical sciences. An Occupational Therapist is able to prevent, identify, assess, correct or alleviate acute or prolonged movement dysfunction or Mental Disorders or illnesses. Occupational Therapist may work in hospital, clinics, rehabilitation centers, schools for handicapped children, geriatric centers, nursing homes, Drug Abuse Centers, Psychiatry Clinics, Centers for the Mentally Retarded, and Child Development Centers etc. Occupational Therapist can also be self employed practitioners, clinical or academic teachers or researchers, consultants, advisors etc. They have a tremendous role to play in mental subnormality and mental health of a disabled person.
COURSE STUDY Bachelor of Science (Hons) Occupational Therapy course conducted at IPH is affiliated to the University of Delhi. The duration of course is three years and six months internship. The students during entire period of study has to complete the prescribed hours of curriculum.
** As per clause 2 A of the ordinance 5 of the University of Delhi.
BASIS OF ADMISSION The selection of candidates for admission to Bachelor of Science (Hons) Occupational Therapy course is made on the basis of merit in the Entrance Test. For information on Foreign student admission or general admission criteria contact IPH directly by postal mail.
ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS Candidates seeking admission to Bachelor of Science (Hons) Occupational Therapy course must have passed the examination of Senior School Certificate Examination of the Central Board of Secondary Education (12 Years) or an examination recognised as equivalent thereto with 50% marks or more marks in the aggregate of four subjects (Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English) provided the student has passed in each subject separately or its equivalent.
AGE The Candidate should have completed seventeen years of age before the 1st day of October in the year in which he/she seeks admission.
HOSTEL FACILITY Accomodation is available to outstation candiates. Hostelers are governed by the rules and regulations as laid down in the hostel manual.
Source of above information: IPH handouts. For up-to-date information contact IPH directly by postal mail at
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